Ser Astrónomo

O site de rede social Facebook criou uma página com uma lista sobre ser um astrónomo. Não só a lista é gira, mas alguns comentários também têm alguns pontos engraçados.
Os que me chamaram mais à atenção por me fazerem sorrir, foram estes:

3. You know the significance of the phrase “Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me”

7. You’ve spent the night with your significant other… watching a meteor shower.

10. Someone mentions Jodie Foster and you think of Eleanor Arroway.

11. You’ve been in a debate over whether Pluto is a planet.

12. You know that Pluto really isn’t a planet and shouldn’t have been considered one to start (as sad as it may be).

15. You’ve decorated your room with a reproduction of your favorite portion of the night sky.

17. You know what NASA stands for.

18. A friend of yours thought you were studying Astrology.

21. Someone casually wonders aloud how many planets out there might be able to support life you immediately think of the Drake equation.

23. You’ve ever wondered how much you’d be fined if you blew out all of the streetlights on your street so you could see the stars better.

26. While observing in the middle of the night in an open area, policemen come up to you and want to know what you’re doing.

28. You have Astronomy podcasts on your ipod.

29. You know every line to Apollo 13, and have possibly read the book.

30. Your heroes include Galileo, Isaac Newton, Albert Eistein, Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, Carl Sagan, and many others.

33. If it’s clear out and the seeing is good, observing takes priority over sleeping, eating, and tomorrow’s midterm!

Alguns de comentadores:

– you name your pets after great astronomers

– you name your pets after constellations

– you schedule vacations around astronomical events (comets, eclipses, etc)

– you consider Jupiter to be an annoying light source

– you choose what new car you’ll buy by what astronomy equipment will fit in the back

– spilled salt begins to suspiciously look like star clusters

– you can’t walk outside without looking up

– you turn down a date because it’s new moon

– you start connecting freckles on your grandkids faces to make constellations

– you know the word UMBRA nevert refers to Pam Anderson’s shadow at noon.

– you know a red dwarf is not an embarrassed little person.

– a dwarf star is not really talking about Danny Devito

– Gould’s Belt is not something worn around the waist to keep his pants up

– you take the first day off work at a new job because their is a Venus transit that morning

– you ask a guy: How big is yours? and you do it all night long?

Alguém quer pensar em mais alguns? 😀

2 comentários

  1. Pluto is NOT a planet.

    Há várias razões para não ser.

    Curiosa a menção a Ceres – outro corpo que foi erradamente considerado planeta aquando da descoberta, mas que depois foi parar ao seu lugar/categoria.

  2. Number 12 shouldn't be here. Pluto IS a planet, as many astronomers reject the IAU definition and believe a planet is any non-self-luminous spheroidal body orbiting a star. By that definition, we have 13 planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris.

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