The ONION na Lua

A 31 de Agosto de 2009, o jornal satírico The Onion publicou um artigo, obviamente falso (sátira para ridicularizar os conspiradores!!) em que dizia que Neil Armstrong admitiu ter sido tudo uma farsa!
A forma irónica com que supostamente Armstrong admite as supostas evidências é divertida e claramente a gozar os conspiradores – está ao nível dos melhores artigos no The Onion.
Vejam algumas frases:
“According to Armstrong, he was forced to reconsider every single detail of the monumental journey after watching a few persuasive YouTube videos, and reading several blog posts on conspiracy theorist Ralph Coleman’s website (…).
“It only took a few hastily written paragraphs published by this passionate denier of mankind’s so-called ‘greatest technological achievement’ for me to realize I had been living a lie, ” said a visibly emotional Armstrong (…).
He also admitted feeling “ashamed” that he had failed to notice the rippling of the American flag he and Buzz Aldrin planted on the surface (…). “That rippling is not possible in the vacuum of space,” Armstrong said. “It must have been the wind from an air-conditioning duct that I didn’t recognize because you can’t hear a damn thing inside those helmets.” “This is all just common sense, people,” he added. “It’s the moon. You can’t land on the moon.” (…)
“Yes, at the time I thought those thousands of NASA employees were working round the clock for the same incredible goal, but if anyone would know what was really going on, it would be Ralph Coleman,” Armstrong said of the 31-year-old part-time librarian’s assistant. “He knows a lot more about faked moon landings than I ever could. He’s been researching the subject on the Internet for years.” “Literally years,” he added. (…)

Existe muito mais no artigo. Leiam aqui.

Agora vem a parte ainda mais engraçada: os conspiradores acreditaram na veracidade disto!! E alguns Media também!!!

Será preciso ainda mais provas que os conspiradores (e alguns Media incluídos) demonstram constantemente a sua ignorância, não querem saber da verdade, têm incrivelmente baixas capacidades de investigação, e têm uma dificuldade tremenda em utilizar o cérebro??

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