Fenómenos Aeroespaciais Não Identificados


O astrónomo Philippe Ailleris criou uma comunidade online para recolher e analisar informações sobre UAPs, Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena.
Leiam o artigo que ele apresentou no Congresso de Ciências Planetárias.

Como diz aqui:
“A new website was launched today to create a forum for astronomers to submit reports of unknown objects. The aim is to two-fold: to educate the public about natural phenomena in the sky that could be misidentified, and collect data that could reveal previously unknown scientific phenomena.”
No site do AIA2009:
“A website has been launched that will give amateur and professional astronomers a formal mechanism for reporting any unexplained phenomena they observe when studying the night sky. Within the framework of International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009), the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) Observations Reporting Scheme aims to provide a global focus for sightings by astronomers and contribute towards a better understanding of transient phenomena occurring in the atmosphere.
The reporting scheme has been set up by amateur astronomer, Philippe Ailleris, who proposes to use the unique opportunity of IYA2009 to collect additional and more rigorous information on UAPs, more popularly referred to as UFOs.”

Vejam o site, clicando aqui.
Vejam sobretudo este link, com as más identificações.
Vejam este post, com muitos vídeos de “discos voadores mal-identificados”.

Cada vez vai haver menos “discos voadores extraterrestres”…
Basta olhar para o céu, e ter conhecimento sobre os objectos que vemos…

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