Vingança dos Nerds

Estava a pensar no último post, e de como a nossa mentalidade muda.
Na escola secundária os nerds são “colocados de lado” e muitas das vezes têm vergonha de se assumir como “nerds” ou “geeks”.
Mas a escola é um micro-universo da vida, e cá fora a vida é completamente diferente.
Cá fora assume-se e tem-se orgulho de ser nerd, havendo até convenções de nerds. A diferença de mentalidade deve-se a olhar-se para aqueles que “conquistaram o mundo”, como Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, etc, e todos eles eram nerds.
O mundo é dos nerds… e cada vez mais, já que vivemos cada vez mais num mundo científico-tecnológico, propício aos nerds.

Por isso, caso os nossos leitores sejam jovens nerds ou pais de jovens nerds ou pais de futuros nerds, lembrem-se que a escola é uma parte minúscula da vida e orgulhem-se de serem nerds: o mundo será vosso 😉

E já agora, oiçam esta música (a letra é muito gira) – Nerd Alert!

Well yeah, we’re the freaks of nature
We’re the kids that easily bruise
We’re the geeks and the creatures
Outer space hillbillies from the moon
Get stupid on your time
Keep your geriatric biker fight
Diffuse the land mines
I’m alright
You’re Alright
We’re Alright
Well we both know that our day will come
The revolution has begun
So raise your fists and take a stand
With your super cool…
Super cool wrist bands!
We broke out
And now we’re running crazy
Down the middle of the boulevard
(Spaced out!)
There’s a nerd alert
There’s a nerd alert
And you’ll never, ever
Never take us alive
Never take us alive

3 comentários

    • Dinis Ribeiro on 16/08/2011 at 08:36
    • Responder

    Em vez da palavra “Nerd” eu gosto mais da palavra “Slan”…

    Em hipotéticos universos paralelos em que nunca tenha existido o filme “Revenge of the Nerds” a expressão “Slans” poderá ser uma expressão muito mais comum do que é hoje em dia neste nosso “Timestream”, e a expressão “Nerd” pode até nem sequer existir.

    O que são os Slans?

    Li, ainda nos anos 70, o nº 23 da Colecção Argonauta, ( entitulado “Slan” escrito por A.E. van Vogt, que é um autor nem sempre conhecido pelas novas gerações.

    In science fiction fandom a slogan quickly developed, “Fans are slans”, analogizing the perceived greater intelligence and imaginative capability of science fiction fans with the supernatural abilities of slans in the novel, and their harassment by non-fans to the persecution of slans in the novel.

    The related term “slan shack” came to be used in fanspeak to designate a house or building occupied entirely or primarily by fans.

    The first Slan Shack to bear that name was established in 1943 in Battle Creek, Michigan.

    Quanto a “vinganças” há o ditado “Don’t get mad, get even”'t+get+mad,+get+even

    Alien is thus virtually a film version or translation of “Black Destroyer”. (Van Vogt is not credited, and as it turns out he sued the film-makers for plagiarism; the latter settling out of court.)

    The stories collected in The Voyage of the Space Beagle were perhaps the first to chronicle the adventures of the crew of a large, military-style starship exploring the universe, and doubtless influenced Gene Roddenberry strongly when he created Star Trek.


    One of the Space Beagle stories purportedly inspired the movie Alien – the resemblance was great enough that van Vogt brought a lawsuit against the filmmakers, which reportedly settled for a $50,000 payment.

    Aaron Hughes, “Neglected Masters Book Review” retrieved 2010-09-09

    • Dinis Ribeiro on 16/08/2011 at 07:20
    • Responder

    Recentemente revi na televisão por cabo um filme que aborda (mais ou menos) a mesma questão, mas doutro modo: (Livro) (Filme)

    In 1950’s mining town called Coalwood, Homer Hickam is a kid with only one future in sight, to work in the local coalmine like his father.

    However in October 1957, everything changes when the first artificial satellite, Sputnik goes into orbit. With that event, Homer becomes inspired to learn how to build rockets.

    With his friends and the local nerd, Homer sets to do just that by trial and a lot of error. Unfortunately, most of the town and especially Homer’s father thinks that they are wasting their time.

    Only one teacher in the high school understands their efforts and lets them know that they could become contenders in the national science fair with college scholarships being the prize.

    Now the gang must learn to perfect their craft and overcome the many problems facing them as they shoot for the stars.

    1. Esse filme é excelente, e baseado em acontecimentos reais 😉

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