Paixão pela nossa casa

O astronauta André Kuipers partilha a sua paixão pelo nosso planeta e pela vida que ele contém. No fim, ele também faz referência a este relatório.

“All I care about, and cherish, is on this one planet.
It is my home, the home of my family and friends, and the home of another 7 billion people. It is also the home of beautiful forests, mountains, savannahs, oceans, lakes and rivers and of all of the species living within. Our planet is beautiful, but our planet is also fragile.
We have the ability to save our home, to protect our planet. Not only for our own benefit but, above all, for generations to come. We have the solutions. Everyone can make a contribution by making better choices in how we govern, produce and consume. Taking better care of the planet is in our hands.”
André Kuipers, astronauta da Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA)

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  1. […] Astronautas. Gagarin. Vladimir Komarov. Shepard (aqui). Neil Armstrong. Sally Ride. Chris Hadfield. André Kuipers. Shenzhou-9. Taikonautas. Robô. Sobreviver no Espaço. Coçar o Nariz. Selfie. Selfie espacial. […]

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