Batalha de RAP por Plutão

rap pluto

Vídeo pensado, escrito, e feito por alunos de 12 anos da Academia KIPP Heartwood, na Califórnia, EUA.

Toda a letra:

ANTI = Plutão não deve ser considerado um planeta, mas sim um planeta-anão.
PRO = Plutão deve continuar a ser considerado planeta.

You’re a Pluto fan? Well I’m sorry y’all.
Since the 30’s, Pluto’s been an oddball.
Check its orbit out. Way elliptical.
Kinda tilted too. Ain’t tryin’ to be critical.
And tell Neptune, it’s gonna get crossed soon.
Staring at Charon. Pretty big, for a moon!

Well I think it’s great. Why you gotta hate?
Going round the sun, having fun, like the other eight.
Pluto’s still a planet if I desire.
It’s big. It’s round. It’s not on fire.
Planet means whatever we mean when we mean it.
If its big and its round… We know it when we see it.

Huh. What an interesting theory?
You ever heard of this “planet” called Ceres?
Thought we had a new planet – 1801.
Found more and more stuff, but it was no fun
For the kids to memorize all the “planets” in the sky
With a never-ending list piling up sky high.
Too many “planets” – people got annoyed.
So now we just call ’em asteroids.

Ceres? Whatever. What’s your point meant to be?

Pluto is the Ceres of the 21st century.

I’m not buyin’ it man, I’m not budgin’.
Pluto’s a planet. I know it cuz I love it.

A planet? Nah, pseudo. You already knew though.
Dwarf Planet now. Hate to break it to you Pluto.
And it’s very far away, far away, far away.
Its tiny. Its icy. And it’s orbit kinda cray.
But it’s rule #3 that it just doesn’t obey.
A bunch of Kuiper stuff is in its way.
Dwarf planet, wassup?


With new ‘scopes there was a typhoon
Of new objects found past Neptune.
Pluto was still the big daddy
Until they found Eris, just a little more fatty.

So, was that planet number ten?

Nope. Cuz that would just extend
The future planet list up higher and higher.

Well they’re big, they’re round. They’re not on fire!

But think about Ceres. Same sorta story.
Pluto’s one of many new dwarf planets.

But a dwarf planet’s still a planet right?

Nope. Cuz in that belt of Kuiper,
It’s just way too crowded.
70k rocks floating all around it.

Man, sometimes I hate science.

We got four terrestrials and four gas giants.
And two belts: asteroid and Kuiper y’all.
So it’s not a “planet”, but it’s not an oddball.
And the universe is an incredible place.

Mean Very Evil Men Just Shortened Up Nature. (Planet acronym)


A planet? Nah, pseudo. You already knew though.
Dwarf planet now. Hate to break it to you Pluto.
And it’s very far away, far away, far away.
Its tiny. Its icy. And it’s orbit kinda cray.
But it’s rule #3 that it just doesn’t obey.
A bunch of Kuiper stuff is in its way.
Dwarf Planet. Wassup?

A planet? Nah, pseudo. You already knew though.
Dwarf Planet now. But it’s still kinda cool though.
Though it’s very far away, far away, far away.
Though It’s tiny, it’s icy, and it’s orbit kinda cray.
Learning more about the universe every single day.
We’ll keep on learning ’til we’re old and grey
Dwarf Planet. Wassup?

1 ping

  1. […] 19 – Trans-Neptunianos (tag): Eris. Haumea. Makemake (aqui, atmosfera). Orcus. 20000 Varuna. 2007 OR10. 2002 UX25. 2012 VP113. 2013 FY27 e 2013 FZ27. 3 novos planetas-anões. Total: 1, 2, 3. Tique, Tyche, Planeta X. Filhos da Tragédia. Plutão: características, não-planeta, explicação, razões, imagens, água, oceano, atmosfera, anéis, 4 luas (nova lua), 5 luas. Cérbero e Estige. RAP. […]

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