Alberto Fernando

Alberto Fernando Alberto Fernando é piloto de Linha Aérea e Instrutor de Voo; Interessa-se por História, filosofia e ciência em geral, bom como Astronomia e astronáutica desde a década de 60; Tem a paixão da observação visual; Aprendeu o céu, primeiro a olho nu, com a ajuda de cartas, depois com ajuda de um binóculo 16x70 que ainda utiliza, finalmente com um DOB de 8''; Agora observa com um Obsession de 15” equipado com ArgoNavis e ServoCAT; É membro do Grupo Atalaia e colaborador activo da página;

Artigos mais comentados

  1. Sessão PROAM, sábado, 10 de Setembro, no Observatório Astronómico da Universidade de Coimbra — 6 comentários
  2. Nebulosa planetária Alves1 – PN Alv1 — 4 comentários
  3. Lua Cheia em perigeu — 4 comentários
  4. Conjunção Lua-Vénus-Júpiter – Sorrisos no Céu — 3 comentários
  5. Astrónomos Amadores Portugueses no Mundo da Ciência — 2 comentários

Author's posts

Delta Scorpii – Dia 5, 2 de Julho

Last night the wind was absolutely calm at the beginning of the astronomical night and stood calm all night. The “calima” was back, denser than before. But we were able to complete all the program established for the night. By 18:00, the telescope was set to make the flats related to the previous night: – …

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Delta Scorpii – Dia 4, 01 de Julho

Last night was an almost perfect night. The wind speed did not exceed 15 km/hour and we could make the spectra of Delta Scorpii,in Helium II and Halpha, of 66 Ophiuchi, of Pi Aquarii and there were still 40 minutes for MWC342. The equipment works now correctly. We managed to have the installation of the …

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Delta Scorpii 2011 – Dia 3, 30 de Junho

Today the sky is clear of the “calima”, but the wind is quite strong, with gusts. By 18:00 hours we started with darks and flats. The wind was blowing at speeds above 35 km per hour. This is a limitation fot the IAC80. The operation is unrestricted with wind speeds up to 35 km/hour, but …

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Delta Scorpii 2011 – Dia 2, 29 de Junho

One may think that a campaign like this one is just some kind of fun. Well, it is fun. It is because we have a genuine pleasure in it. But it is hard work as well. This day 2 of the campaign started at 18:00 and ended at 06:00. Here is the team, Alberto, Thierry, …

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Delta Scorpii 2011 – A noite de um dia longo

After the preparations and after finding out that the focus of the autogiding camera could not be achieved, we decided to continue under manual guiding. Also, all the extensions between the adaptor and the spectrograph were removed. With all the tests and atempts to find the solution for the autoguiding, part of the night was …

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Delta Scorpii – Dia 1, 28 de Junho

Today, 28 of June, was a long work day. The day started at 09:30 hours and the morning has been dedicated to make all the modifications needed and to install all the equipments required for this mission. One of the problems was that the spectroscope, camera, computers foor the control of the spectrograph were not …

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Delta Scorpii – Dia 0, 27 de Junho

After the preliminaries and preparations which took time and efforts, we, José Ribeiro and me, arrived at Tenerife. Anatoly Mirochnichenko was waiting for us at Tenerife North airport and we shared the car up to the Observatory. Now we wait for the arrival of Thierry Garrel who is expected tomorrow, 28. Yesterday, after dinner, the …

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Campanha Delta Scorpii

Já tinha sido anunciada aqui uma campanha para o sistema Delta Scorpii. Essa campanha vai iniciar-se na próxima semana. Para divulgação, abri um blogue com o endereço: Pretendo, além dos relatos diários no blogue, alimentar o astroPT com um relato diário, no caso de haver algo de interesse. Transcrevo aqui a mensagem de abertura …

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WR 140 – Artigo na Sky & Telescope de Abril

Com o belo título “Stellar Winds above Atlantic Clouds“, e com uma espécie de introdução “On a cold mountaintop in the Canary Islands, amateurs work with pros on a hot-star research project“, a edição de Abril de 2011 traz um artigo descritivo da missão para o periastro da WR140, missão levada a cabo por 21 …

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Lua Cheia em perigeu

Dia 19 de Março, às 18:10, há Lua Cheia. Nada de especial. Há uma fase de Lua Cheia todos os 29 dias. Mas acontece que, no dia 19, praticamente à mesma hora, a Lua estará no perigeu. Esta coincidência repete-se a cada 18 anos, aproximadamente, e a última vez que ocorreu foi em 1993. Comparando …

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