Dia da Cosmonáutica – 50 anos de Gagarin

Hoje celebra-se os 50 anos desde que o Homem viu pela 1ª vez a Terra a partir do espaço.

A 12 de Abril de 1961, Yuri Gagarin, aos 27 anos de idade, tornou-se o primeiro ser humano a ir ao espaço, a bordo da nave Vostok 1.
Foi o primeiro humano a ver a Terra a partir do espaço.

A partir dessa data, a Humanidade mudou – a sua visão do Universo modificou-se para sempre.
A Humanidade tornou-se uma civilização espacial.

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  1. Do PoSat, lembro-me que falaram no telejornal… mas duvido que tenham dado o lançamento em direto.
    Ou pelo menos, eu não me lembro…

    Mas também é verdade que em 1993, a minha atenção estava noutros lados…

  2. Pois o Prof. Doutor Fernando Carvalho Rodrigues tem essa capacidade de nos fascinar.
    A chegada do primeiro rover a Marte (Soujourner em 1997) deve ter sido algo emocionante.
    Já agora, aquando do lançamento do primeiro satélite português PoSat-1 em 1993 liderado pela equipa do Prof. Doutor Carvalho Rodrigues passou em direto na rtp1 ou não foi muito divulgado? Isso também era algo que gostava de ter assistido.

  3. Nessas alturas (1961 e 1969) não havia a quantidade de acesso à informação que existe hoje.
    Até duvido que o Gagarin tivesse dado em direto na TV…
    A Apollo 11 deu, mas era a preto e branco, e muita gente viu nas montras das lojas que vendiam TVs.
    Eu não sou desse tempo também 😉

    Lembra-me de ver o desastre do Challenger na TV, em 1986.

    Mas lembro-me sobretudo de estar toda a noite acordado a ver em direto pela RTP a chegada do rover Soujourner a Marte, em 1997.
    O convidado foi o professor Carvalho Rodrigues, e é escusado dizer que me deixou de boca aberta de vez em quando com as coisas que dizia.
    Passei a noite toda fascinado com aquilo tudo…
    Já queria ir para astronomia na altura… e aquela noite deu um empurrão na direção certa 🙂

  4. Já agora feliz dia da Cosmonáutica!!!
    Esperemos estar cá para festejar pelo menos mais 50 anos… 😀

  5. Realmente um marco histórico!!! 😉
    Só tenho pena de não ter visto nem a épica viagem a 12 de abril de 1961 a bordo da Vostok1 de Yuri Gagarin nem a chegada de Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin e Michael Collins a 20 de Julho de 1969 à Lua. Já agora, também não tive oportunidade de ver o lançamento do vaivém Columbia exatamente há trinta anos… 🙁
    Na verdade, tenho apenas 15 anos de idade feitos há pouco tempo pelo que era mesmo impossível assistir a esse feito…

    • Frederico Relvas on 12/04/2011 at 03:40
    • Responder

    Lembro-me de quando li o “Biliões e Biliões” do grande Sagan que ele referiu nunca ter diito “Billions and Billions”, no entanto, quando às vezes referiam/referem essa expressão é comum antecede-la com “as Carl Sagan says/said….”.

    São de facto coisas curiosas 😀

  6. É natural, pois é uma informação que se soube há poucos dias (mas a tempo de actualizar a edição especial do Em Órbita).

    Durante anos a hora de descida de Gagarin foi indicada como sendo 0755UTC, porém novos dados referem que Gagarin aterrou às 0753UTC e a cápsula às 0748UTC.

  7. Na wikipedia diz que este vôo foi de 108 minutos.
    O Korabl-Sputnik 4, com um cão, é que foi de 106 minutos.

    P.S.: essa frase de que deveriam enviar poetas, também foi dita por Ellie Arroway no filme Contacto 🙂

  8. A «confusão» poderá vir de: ou uma má interpretação (tradução) do comunicado, ou de declarações inventadas pela própria TASS para embelezar a descrição do cosmonauta.

    É curioso que Korolev pretendia enviar para o espaço, para além dos cosmonautas «regulares», cosmonautas jornalistas e até mesmo poetas para assim poderem fazer uma melhor descrição da Terra e da viagem espacial.

    Um dos mitos que se contava, era o de que Gagarin teria dito que deveriam ter enviado um poeta e não um militar…

  9. Mas olha que 106, procurei no Google, e só diz no teu site 😛

    Já 108, está em todo o lado, incluindo New Scientist e Space Daily.

    E até no site oficial do Yuri’s Night: “Gagarin made his historic 108 minute flight”

  10. ok. Já retirei a frase no post.

    Mas ele não disse isso nem no official statement prá imprensa?
    Ou em memórias posteriores?
    A “confusão” não poderá vir daí? 😉

  11. E agora para ser mesmo, mesmo picuínhas… no site http://english.ruvr.ru/2006/08/14/99394.html o título é “Gagarin, 108 minutes that shook the world”. Não foram 108, foram 106!!!!

  12. Ele nunca faz referência à “Terra é azul”. Faz sim uma descrição da atmosfera onde vê um halo azul que vai escurecendo à medida que vai olhando para o espaço.

    A frase “A Terra é azul”, que nos leva a recordar as fotografias da Terra (o planeta azul devido aos oceanos), nunca foi dita nem durante o voo nem mesmo no relatório que Gagarin fez à Comissão Estatal que supervisionou o seu voo.

    Simplesmente, é uma frase inventada pelos media.

  13. Ou seja, essa frase da “Terra azul” não poderá vir das memórias do Gagarin?

    Mesmo no comentário anterior, ele fala disso, do que se lembra… certo?

    “The earth began to leave the left, up, then right, down. Rotation was clearly visible in the “look”. I saw the horizon, the stars, the sky. The sky is completely black, black. The magnitude of stars and their brightness is a little clearer on this black background, the speed of their movement in the “gaze” and in the right porthole big. Shown is a beautiful skyline, visible to the circumference of the Earth, Horizon has a beautiful blue color. At the very surface of the Earth’s delicate blue color gradually darkens and turns into purple, which gradually becomes black.”

    “Before leaving the shadows, I was watching through the window “gaze”, which was at an angle to the horizontal. Very well could see the skyline. On the horizon watched orange rainbow strip resembled in color the color of his suit. Next, paint a little darker and the colors of the rainbow turns blue, and blue goes black. Completely black.”

  14. Só tenho a descrição que ele fez em russo. A tradução é automática por isso podem surgir frases sem sentido…

    Ah! E foi feita a 13 de Abril, não a 15 de Abril… como diz naquele artigo…

    Last prelaunch performed in the morning. It started with checking the state of my health and determine the reliability of sensors to record the physiological functions that were stuck overnight. Then we recorded physiological functions in the medical equipment and medical examination. All this went well. According to doctors who examined and recorded the details of the body – my condition was good. I myself feel good, because before that a well-rested and slept.

    After that, regular team fighting crew was made suit dressing. The suit was dressed properly massaged, pressure-tested. Then put me in technological chair, tried, as the suit is hanging system, ventilation, space suit, check communications. Everything worked well.

    This was followed by departure to the start position in the bus. We, along with my fellow astronauts (my assistant was a German Stepanovich Titov) and the Chief went to the launch pad. At the start I was on the elevator rose to the cabin of the ship. Landing in a chair carried a staff calculation, which was led by Oleg Genrikhovich Ped. All connections and connections have been made good. Checking equipment also went well. Communication was two-sided, stable. Good communication.

    The mood at the time was good, feel good. Reported on the testing equipment on stand-by mode, about his health. All the time was a continuous connection.

    It was then made closing door number 1. He heard it shut, like tapping the keys. Then begin to re-open the hatch. I saw that the hatch was removed. Realized that something is wrong. I Sergei Pavlovich ** says: “You do not worry, one contact for some reason is not pressed. Everything will be fine.” Calculations were soon swapped charges on which the established limit switches. All tweaked and closed the hatch. Everything was normal.

    Declared willingness hour, a half-hour, recorded physiological functions. In general, everything was fine. 6ylo feeling good. The mood is also good.

    Then he announced 15 minutes. readiness. Nadel germoperchatki. Closed helmet. The five-minute availability. A moment of readiness and head start. Prior to that, we could hear the farm bred. Get some mild blows to the design of the rocket. Rocket like a little wiggle.

    Then came the blow. Hear how to work the valve. Next up was launched. The engines came to a preliminary stage. Came a slight noise. Then at the intermediate stage the noise increased. When the engines went home, the main stage, the noise grew louder, but not too sharp, which drowned or hurt to work. Noise is approximately the same as in an airplane. I was ready to much more noise. Then the rocket smoothly, softly withdrew from his seat. I do not even notice when she walked. Then he felt the design of the rocket went to shiver. Nature of vibrations: the frequency of large amplitude is small.

    I was prepared for the bailout. I sit, watching the process of recovery. Hear reports Sergei Pavlovich that is 70 seconds. In the region of 70 seconds, gradually changing the nature of vibration. The frequency of vibration decreases and the amplitude increases. Appears as if shaking. Then gradually this shaking subsides, and by the end of the first stage of vibration is the same as at the beginning of its work. Overloading increases smoothly, but it is completely portable, as on conventional aircraft. Approximately 5g. With this overload, I drove all the time reporting and communication with the start. It was somewhat difficult to talk as contracts all the facial muscles. Several prestressed. Further overload began to grow, reached its peak and began smoothly decreasing. Then felt a sharp decrease congestion. The sensation was such as if something just breaks away from the rocket. Felt something like cotton. In this case fell sharply noise. If there was a state of weightlessness, although at this time overload is approximately equal to 1. Then again appears and begins to increase congestion. Begins to push the chair, the noise level is much less. For 150 seconds. separated payload fairing. The process is very bright. The result was a push cotton. One half of the fairing just been down gaze. ” I have a filter “eye” was closed and the shutter is open. Fairing walked slowly down from the “eye” for the missile.

    At this time in the “gaze” has been very good visible to Earth. Just was not cloudy. Seen the terrain, slightly hilly area. It was clear the forest, rivers and ravines. I could not tie what he saw, as in the “gaze” has been very little territory. In my opinion there has been or Ob Irtysh, but it was evident that this is a big river and its islands. You can see everything. I kept reporting it.

    When there is a missile, then the “gaze” can be seen that it varies slightly around the longitudinal axis of the roll, but minor variations. The missile might be living.

    By the end of the first stage, when the head flew off the fairing, in the “gaze” horizon slightly to the upper edge does not reach. The rocket was to a certain angle of pitch ***. Then at the end of the second stage she lay on the horizon, and even somewhat lower horizon. There was a small gap on the “look”.

    211 sec. again gradually began to grow overload. The second stage shuts down about the same as the first. This is accompanied by a sharp drop in congestion and decrease the noise, the same feeling of weightlessness.

    Weightlessness was about 10-15 seconds before turning on the third level.

    Then heard a muffled clap and the inclusion of the third stage. She has worked very smoothly. Missile as it approached and nezhnenko all took away from zero.

    Very slowly began to appear overloaded. Then on the “gaze” horizon took his ring. Began to increase the pitch angle, and by the end of the third stage of approximately only half of the outer ring “sight” was busy skyline. Then I watched the transfer, led the report, saw the clouds, shadows of clouds on Earth. Land in the “eye” can see very well. Objects on the Earth are well distinguishable. Turning off the third stage was dramatic. Overloading a little increased, he felt a sharp clap. Approximately 10 seconds there was a division. At the same time felt the push. The ship began to slowly rotate.

    The earth began to leave the left, up, then right, down. Rotation was clearly visible in the “look”. I saw the horizon, the stars, the sky. The sky is completely black, black. The magnitude of stars and their brightness is a little clearer on this black background, the speed of their movement in the “gaze” and in the right porthole big. Shown is a beautiful skyline, visible to the circumference of the Earth, Horizon has a beautiful blue color. At the very surface of the Earth’s delicate blue color gradually darkens and turns into purple, which gradually becomes black.

    At this time, led a stable good rapport with Kolpashevo – “Dawn 2.

    When flying Yelizovo relationship was normal. I have several times repeated his papers and reports. Once there was a division, immediately joined the cycle number 1, went PKRS, moving the index, go watch. The whole system of descent earned. Produced the report. Communication with Yelizovo stopped about where on the globe was 30 ° northeast. latitude. Immediately after the report by VHF, produced a report on HF. But by KB confirmation reports and teams at this time no one is getting. Was no connection. Approximately about 30 degrees northeast. Latitude heard “Amur Waves”, which aired Khabarovsk. Against this background, he heard the telegraph call sign “WPC” – “Spring”. At this time I began again relationship with “spring”, but no one answered. Produced records of observations in bortzhurnal.

    When flying over the sea surface it looked gray, not blue. The surface is uneven, as if in the form of sand dunes in the photo. I think that orient the sea will be quite possible. You can maintain orientation, attachment to place, orient the spacecraft to turn on the brake installation.

    Reports carried out in accordance with the job in a telegraph and telephone. Made the reception of food and water. Food and water as normal, you can take. No physiological difficulties in doing so I do not feel it. Several unusual feeling of weightlessness as compared to terrestrial conditions. Here there is a feeling like you are hanging in a horizontal position on the belt as it was in limbo. Apparently, fitted tightly suspension system puts pressure on the chest, and thus created the impression that you are hanging. Then you get used to, adapt to it. No bad feelings did not exist.

    To make recordings in bortzhurnal, reports, working telegraph key. When taking food, drinking water, let the tablet, and it is with a pencil to “float” in front of me. Then he had me write the next report. Took a tablet and a pencil was not there. Flew away. Eyelet Screw was to pencil shurupchikom, but it probably should have been or glue or put a tighter wrap. This screw twisted, and the pencil flew. Bortzhurnal turned and put in your pocket. I still do not come in handy, as there is nothing to write.

    At this time I was in the shadow of the earth and before entry into Earth’s shadow all the time writing on the tape before entering the Earth’s shadow in a recorder was over the entire tape. Tape recorder was not working.

    I decided to rewind the tape to make further recordings. Switch it to manual control and rewound. In my opinion, is not fully rewound. And then, when producing the reports, the record on the tape by hand, since the automatic paper tape, he almost always works, and naturally, many spent the tape. This is caused by high levels of noise in the cabin.

    Before that, I entered the Earth’s shadow. Log in Earth’s shadow is very sharp. Until then, there has been a strong light through the windows. Had to turn away from it or hide behind, so that the light did not get in eyes. Then looked at a bull’s-eye – on the horizon, nothing is visible. Dark. In the other (“eye”) – too dark. I think what is? Noticed over time that it is connected to the input into the shadows.

    At this time the ship was rotated, 2.3 degrees per second. Horizon and the Earth was not visible. Stars is also not clear. But then I realized that obviously hit bull’s-eye on Earth. When “eye” and went out the porthole to the sky, then the black background of its visible stars. Sometimes the window fell 2-3 stars some of the constellations. But it was difficult to identify the constellations, because not all of the constellation falls into the porthole. Including solar orientation system, which I reported on the KB and the telegraph.

    Began to consume the air. When working sunny orientation air consumed from both systems simultaneously. By the time of the shadow of the pressure in the orientation systems have been around 150-152 atm. I felt that when enabled for orientation, the angular displacement of the ship has changed and become very slow, almost imperceptible. At this time produced a report on the KB and via the “Signal” in telegraph mode.

    When approaching approximately 40 degrees yuzhn. latitude I have not heard the Earth. 40-45 degrees yuzhn. latitude on the globe has become weak to listen to music and call sign. I called the phone: “Cedar, Spring I” and another said something, but other words I could not make out. Call signs were repeated three times. I immediately joined to the transmission, was broadcast: “Like me? Respond to communications.” The closer the flies to the climax, the more improved audibility, and, approximately, he passed Cape Horn, (at apogee) got the next message. I was told that I understand and I very well understand it. I was informed that the ship is correct, the calculated orbit, all systems are working well. I accordingly went on the reports.

    Before leaving the shadows, I was watching through the window “gaze”, which was at an angle to the horizontal. Very well could see the skyline. On the horizon watched orange rainbow strip resembled in color the color of his suit. Next, paint a little darker and the colors of the rainbow turns blue, and blue goes black. Completely black. At this time, it became gradually decrease the pressure in the system orientation. Felt more uporyadochnoe motion of the object in pitch. Then the ship began to prowl. I realized that the solar orientation of the Sun “effectively driven in the central sensor. Soon the ship became stable starting position for the descent. TDU was directed at the sun and relatively stable. At that time there was a very good attitude to “look”. In the outer ring of the horizon has been entered completely evenly. I have visible objects moving strictly along arrows “gaze” that is, as it is necessary for the implementation of the orientation of hand, then the earth started to go smoothly into the left corner, forward (on foot).

    At this time producing reports. In the orientation system pressure gradually dropped and by the time of launch TDU was about 110 atm. Produced a tape recording, reports by telegraph and telephone, HF. At that time, HF-communication was good. Obviously, with me working radio station in Moscow.

    At 56 minutes past the first team. I immediately reported it. Orientation was good, the ship for some time had a rotation on a roll, but very small. Over time, as the ship came out of the shadows and until the TDU, he turned about 30 degrees. Maybe even a little less. Then took the second team. In this case, I again made a report to the telephone and telegraph modes. Noticed the cylinder pressure TDU, the pressure in the system of orientation, the testimony of all the devices, while passing team and all recorded on tape. Prepared for the descent. Closed right porthole. Pulled straps, closed germoshlem and switched on the lights working. Then, at exactly the specified time, the third team. As soon went out the window when passing the third team, I watched the pressure in the TDU and the orientation system. It began to fall sharply from 320 atm. Needle was clearly to reduce the pressure. I felt earned TDU. Through the construction felt a little itchy, and noise. I timed the inclusion of TDU. Before it put a stopwatch to zero. TDU worked well. Its inclusion would happen abruptly. Overloading narosla a bit, and then abruptly reappeared weightlessness. The arrows at this point in the system of automatic orientation of the cylinder TDU immediately jumped to zero. Hours TDU was exactly 40 seconds. During this period the following happened. How to just turn off the TDU, there was a sharp jolt, and the ship began to rotate around its axis with great speed. Earth I was held at the “gaze” from the top down on the right and left. Rotational speed was about 30 degrees per second, no less. The result was “kardibalet”: head-feet, head and legs with a very high speed. All circled. I see Africa (over Africa this happened), then the horizon, the sky. Only managed to close to the Sun, so that the light did not fall into his eyes. I put the legs to the inside, but did not close the blinds. I was wondering myself what was happening. I waited for the division. No separation. I knew that on the calculation of this was to happen in 10-12 seconds. after turning off the TDU. When you turn off all the windows on the TDU PKRS extinguished. My feeling is more time has passed, but there is no separation. On the device “Descent I” does not go off, “to prepare for bailout – not light up. Separation does not occur. Then again begin to light up windows on PKRS: first window of the third team, then – the second and then – the first team. Movable index stands at zero. Division does not. “Kardibalet” continues. I decided that’s not all right. Spotted on the clock time. It took about two minutes, and there is no separation. Reported on HF-channel that TDU worked fine. Figured that still sit down normally, as thousands of 6 is to the Soviet Union, but the Soviet Union thousands of 8 km, then to the Far East where a sit down. “Noise” did not raise. By telephone, reported that the division has not occurred.

    I judged that the situation did not alarm. I handed over the key, “BH” – all fine. Through the “eyes” said the northern coast of Africa, the Mediterranean Sea. Everything was clearly visible. The ship continued to rotate. Separation occurred at 10 hours and 35 minutes instead of 10 hours and 25 minutes, as I expected, ie, about 10 minutes after the end of the brake installation.

    Separation sharply felt. There was cotton, then push the rotation continued. Down all windows for PKRS. Include only one inscription: “prepare for the bailout.” I noticed that the flight altitude was still lower than, say, at apogee. Here the objects on the Earth differed sharply. I closed the blind “eye.” Rotation of the ball continued on all axes at the same speed (30 ° per second). Then he began to feel the braking and some mild itching that goes on the Construction of the ship. Barely noticeable itching, which is felt through the feet, standing on a chair. I took a pose for the bailout. I sit waiting.

    Starts slowing rotation ship; and along all three axes. The ship began to fluctuate by about 90 ° to the right and left. Full rotation is not performed. On the other axis are the same vibrational motion with deceleration. At this time, the porthole “gaze” has been closed curtain. Suddenly, the edges of curtains appeared bright red light. The same red light was observed in a small hole in the right porthole. Felt the vibrations of the ship and burn dressing. I do not know where the crackle went: podtreskivala or design, whether to expand the thermal envelope when heated, but they could hear the crackling. Occurred approximately one crackling in a minute. In general, it was felt that the temperature was high. Then, somewhat weaker than was light in the “look”. Overload were small, about 1-1,5 unit. Then began the smooth growth of congestion. Fluctuations of the ball all the time went on all axes. By the time of reaching maximal acceleration, I watched all the time Sun. It gets into the cab in the opening window of the door number 1 or in the right porthole. According to the “bunny” I was able to determine roughly how the ship rotates. By the time of maximum acceleration hesitation vessel was reduced to ± 15 degrees. By this time I felt that the ship with some trembling. In the dense atmosphere it markedly inhibited. My feeling was overload for 10zh. Was such a moment, about 2.3 seconds, when I began to “spread out” testimony to the devices. His eyes became a little to turn gray. Again, pull their socks up, prestressed. This helped, as would all become in its place. This peak overload was brief. Then began the decline in congestion. They fell slowly, but faster than they grew. Since then, his attention shifted to what will soon happen bailout. When the overload began to “harvest” the sun shone directly into my rear porthole. When I started to prepare for the bailout, the ship deployed to the Sun about 90 °.

    When an overload is completely asleep, which obviously coincided with the transition through the sound barrier, began to hear the whistle of air. In a bowl could be heard clearly as he goes through the dense layers of the atmosphere. Noise or a whistle was heard as usual could be heard in the aircraft when zadrosseliruyut engines or when the plane nose-dive.

    Re-thought that now would be a bailout. The mood was good. It became clear that I sit not in the Far East, but around here, near the settlement area.

    Moment of separation is well noticed. Globe stopped around the middle of Mediterranean Sea. So everything is normal. Waiting for the bailout. At this time, at an altitude of approximately 7,000 meters is shooting manhole covers number 1. Cotton, and the hatch is gone. I sit and think, I do not whether it is ejected? So, slowly turned his head upwards. At this point, there was a shot, and I ejected. It happened quickly, well, soft. Nothing I have not struck, did not hurt, everything is fine. I flew with the chair. Next shot a gun, and put in place a stabilizing parachute.

    I sat on the chair is very comfortable as a chair. Felt that I rotate in the right direction. I immediately saw a large river. And I thought that it was the Volga. Most other such rivers is not in this area. Then look – something like a city. On one side of the great city, and on the other – is significant. I think something familiar.

    Bailout happened, according to my calculations, over the bank. Well, I think, obviously, the wind will drag me now, and you have to alight on water at the water. Then unhooking stabilizing parachute and put into effect the main parachute. Passed all very gently, so that I could almost not notice. Chair and quietly moved away from me down.

    I began to descend on the main parachute. Again, I embarked on the Volga. Passing the parachute training, we jumped much just here on this site. A lot of flying there. I learned a railroad, railroad bridge over the river and a long braid, which juts far into the Volga. I thought that here, perhaps, Saratov. Land in Saratov.

    Then opened a spare parachute opened and hung. So he never opened. Occurred just opening his knapsack.

    I sat down and waited stouter branch Nazarov ****. Heard yanked the device pins. Opened NAE and flew down. Through the harness, I felt a strong jerk and all. I realized that the NAE has gone down on their own.

    Down, I could not see what he was falling, as in a spacesuit do not – strictly adhered to the back.

    There was a layer of clouds. In a cloud poddulo a bit, and opened the second parachute. Then I went down to the two parachutes.

    Watched the countryside, I saw where the ball landed. White parachute and beside him is black, charred ball. This I have seen off the coast of the Volga River, about four miles from my place of landing.

    Falling, notice how the right of me to see the demolition of the field camp. He wore a lot of people – machines. Near the road passes. The highway goes to Engels. Next I see is a river, ravine. To the left of the ravine house, I see there is a woman calf grazes. Well, I think now I probably are pleased at this very hollow, but can not do anything. I feel everyone is looking at my beautiful orange dome. Next I look like once I land on arable land. I think, well, now landed. Just behind me is. Tried to turn around in the system difficult to deploy, rather, not razverneshsya. Before the ground about 30 feet, I gently turned the right person for the demolition. Breeze, as defined, was 7.5 meters. I only had time to think about it, watching the earth. Down “fat.” The landing was very soft *****. Arable land was well plowed, very soft, it is still wet. I did not even feel the landing. I do not understand, as I stand on my feet. Rear canopy fell on me, the front chute went ahead. Put it out, took off his harness. Looked – all intact. Hence, alive and well.

    Yes, in the air I unlinked block Orca ******, opened a hat on the ground. Landed with a closed curtain. It was hard to breath with the opening of the valve in the air. It so happened that the ball valve, when dressed, came under unmasking shell. Suspension system were all so energized that I minutes 6 could not get it. Then he unbuttoned his unmasking a shell and using a mirror and pulled the rope to open the valve properly.

    Continue to take measures to ensure that the report that the landing was normal. Went to the hill, watching a woman with a little girl coming toward me. Approximately 800 meters it was from me. I went to meet him, intending to ask where the phone. I’m going to her, look, the woman steps slows, the girl removed from her and sent back. I immediately started waving his arms and shouting: “My, my, Soviet, do not be afraid, do not be afraid, come here.” In the suit to go awkward, but still I go. Look, she is hesitant, treads softly, approached me. I walked over and said that I was a Soviet citizen, flew in from outer space. Acquainted with her, and she told me that the phone can talk with the field camp. I asked the woman that she would not let anyone touch the parachute, while I’m going to field camp. Just come to the parachute, here are people 6 males: tractor drivers and mechanics from this field camp. Acquainted with them. I told them who I am. They have passed that now sends a message about space flight on the radio. After about 3 minutes went car ZIL-151. It arrived artillery Comrade Major. Galimov of the division. We introduced ourselves to each other. I asked how you can quickly communicate to Moscow. Put sentry at the parachutes, and rode with him in part. Came to the unit. He called the command post of the division. Then called the District Commander. Through the District Commander reported to Moscow about everything. Received the team to stay on the landing site. I was there to celebrate, was photographed a couple of times. By this time I removed the shell suit. For me there was only blue thermal clothing and the orange and gray shell and a pressurized helmet I have not photographed. The suit we have put into the car. When I left, I saw the helicopter, which went from the town of Engels. By this time I have asked and knew that Engels next. We went to the landing. I knew that a search team arrived by helicopter. We drive along the highway and see that the helicopter rose and goes to a military garrison. We jumped out of the car, started waving to him. The helicopter landed. Were on it, Lieutenant-General and the Colonel took me aboard the helicopter. I said that I should arrive here today, General Kamanin and General AGALTSOV, and that I should be near the place of landing. We sit down near the place where lie my parachutes. I was told the team to fly to Engels. We immediately got up and flew there. Once out of the helicopter, the general Evgrafov immediately handed me a telegram from the NS Khrushchev. Congratulatory telegram. I immediately burst into tears. The influx of emotions. Then, immediately contacted by phone with Chief of the Air Force. I reported to Air Chief Marshal Comrade. Vershinin, when a job. He greeted me with an assignment, thanked and congratulated by assigning a military rank of “Major”. I responded as expected. Wished me good-bye. Commander said that now connect me on the phone with Nikita Khrushchev and LI Brezhnev. Connected with Comrade. Brezhnev. I reported on the implementation of tasks that all systems worked well, that the landing took place in a given area that I feel good. He congratulated me and wished all the best. I thanked him. He said that soon we will call NS Khrushchev. We went with General AGALTSOVYM to “RF”. Soon we were called NS Khrushchev. I reported on the implementation of the job. On the good work of all systems, their state of health. He thanked him for the job, congratulated the end of the flight, asked my family and parents. I heartily thanked NS Khrushchev for his attention, for paternal care. He told me: “See you in Moscow.” It was then congratulations, correspondent for Pravda, the correspondent of “Izvestia” and the chief agitator-propagandist Comrade. Il’ichevo. I thanked them for their friendly, warm words, they expressed to me. They asked me to say a few words to readers of Pravda. Their congratulations on the feat, I replied that the proper feat is not so much me as the entire Soviet people, all engineers, technicians, representatives of Soviet science. After that, Colonel-General AGALTSOVYM it was decided to fly to Kuibyshev. Boarded a plane. The hard-fought their way through the crowd, which was formed there. Everybody wants to see. We got to the car. Arrived. Well that’s all.



  15. Sim, isso vai ser corrigido.
    Mas primeiro quero saber como deve ser corrigido 😛

    Ou seja, quero saber se ele disse isso ou não, e onde.
    Se foi em órbita, se foi em Terra, se disse mais coisas, se só falou na Terra por 1 vez… sei lá… gostava de saber qual a versão verdadeira antes de corrigir.

  16. eu não percebo Russo 😛

    Continuo a achar estranho que ele só tenha falado da Terra numa só expressão, em quase 2 horas de órbita…

    Aliás, no site que te enviei, diz que além de comunicação voz, houve outras.
    Não terá dito de outra forma?

    E afinal o que ele disse no comunicado para a imprensa sobre o que viu e sentiu?

    As confusões/debates sobre o que ele disse, não poderão estar relacionadas com as diversas coisas que ele disse, em órbita e em terra?

  17. Quando esteve no espaço, Gagarin nunca disse “A Terra é azul!”. Tu no artigo dizes “Foi o primeiro humano a ver a Terra a partir do espaço, e nessa altura disse: “A Terra é azul. (…) Que maravilhoso. É espectacular!””… Quando te referes a “…nessa altura…” referes-te quando ele estava em órbita ou quando ele fez a descrição (a 15 de Abril)?

    É que quando se lê “…nessa altura…” assume-se que isso foi dito quando ele estava em órbta e tal não é verdade! São estas confusões que muitas vezes originam factos errados que depois de tanto serem repetidos, passam por verdadeiros. Isto é que deve ser corrigido.

  18. Ora, aqui tens o diálogo completo de Gagarin com o Centro de Controlo

    “Кедр” – позывной Юрия Гагарина, “Заря-1” – Сергея Королева. Остальные позывные принадлежат Центру управления полетами и другим наземным службам.

    Гагарин: Даю отсчет: 1… 2… 3…. 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… 10. Как поняли? Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Вас понял отлично. Продолжайте работать.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”, вас понял. “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”, проверка связи. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6. Как поняли? Прием.
    Королев: Слышу вас хорошо. Как меня слышите?
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас слышу хорошо. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5. Как поняли? Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Слышу отлично. Все понял. Продолжайте проверку.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Прием на телефон. Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Как чувствуете себя?
    Гагарин: Чувствую себя превосходно. Проверка телефонов и динамиков прошла нормально. Перехожу на телефон.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Понял вас, у нас дела идут нормально. Машина готовится нормально. Все хорошо. Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас понял. Я так и знал. “3аря-1”, я “Кедр”. Проверку связи закончил. Как поняли меня? Прием.
    Королев: Понял вас хорошо, все нормально, я “Заря”. Прием.

    Пауза 10 секунд.

    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Исходное положение тумблеров на пульте управления заданное. Глобус на месте разделения: широта северная 63 градуса, долгота восточная 97 градусов. В окне коррекции цифра 510. Время разделения- 9 часов 17 минут 7 секунд. Магнитный индекс БКРФ в исходном положении. Первые сутки, день. Давление в кабине- единица, влажность – 65 процентов. Температура 19 градусов. Давление в отсеке 1,2. В системе ручной Ориентации-155 атмосфер, первой автоматической ориентации- 155 атмосфер, во второй автоматической ориентации- 157 атмосфер. Давление в баллоне ТДУ – 320 атмосфер. Самочувствие хорошее. К старту готов. Как поняли? Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”, “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Понял вас отлично, данные ваши все принял, подтверждаю их. Готовность к старту принял. У нас все идет нормально. Браво!

    Пауза около 10 секунд. Гагарин поет песню “о далеком курносом детстве”.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”, “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Как слышите меня? Мне нужно вам передать.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас слышу хорошо, прием.
    Королев: Юрий Алексеевич, значит, я хочу вам просто напомнить, что после минутной готовности пройдет минуток шесть, прежде чем начнется полет, так что вы не волнуйтесь. Прием.
    Гагарин: Вас понял, я совершенно спокоен.
    Королев: Ну и отлично, прекрасно. Имейте в виду, что после минутной готовности шесть минуток будет для всяких дел. Трубку председателю.
    Руднев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Говорит с вами Руднев (К.Н.Руднев – председатель госкомиссии по запуску корабля “Восток” с человеком на борту). Юрий Алексеевич, как у вас самочувствие?
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Чувствую себя хорошо, к старту готов, настроение бодрое. В общем, все в порядке. “Заря-1”, как поняли меня? Прием.
    Руднев: “Кедр”, поняли вас хорошо. Председатель вас слышал. У нас все нормально идет.

    Пауза 20 секунд.

    Королев: Я “Заря”. Юра, как дела? Прием.
    Гагарин: Как учили. Все нормально, все хорошо. Как меня поняли? Прием.
    Королев: Да понял, чего с тобой говорить. Превосходно понял. “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Сейчас с тобой будут говорить. Я прошу вас, если у вас есть время, подключить передатчики KB и поговорить. Дать счет – примерно до двадцати. Если у вас есть время и если вы не заняты. Сообщите, как поняли. Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас понял. Сейчас ваше задание выполню.
    Королев: Ты что будешь делать?
    Гагарин: Сейчас хочу проверить связь по КВ.
    Королев: Юра, только начинай через минуту примерно проверку, понял?
    Гагарин: Понял вас.
    Королев: Что? Говори с ним по KB, а потом я тебе покажу здесь все, что есть.
    Гагарин: Показывайте, а потом я поговорю.


    Королев: Там в укладке тубы – обед, ужин и завтрак.
    Гагарин: Ясно.
    Королев: Понял?
    Гагарин: Понял.
    Королев: Колбаса, драже там и варенье к чаю.
    Гагарин: Ага.
    Королев: Понял?
    Гагарин: Понял.
    Королев: Вот.
    Гагарин: Понял.
    Королев: 63 штуки, будешь толстый.
    Гагарин: Хо-хо.
    Королев: Сегодня прилетишь, сразу все съешь.
    Гагарин: Не, главное – колбаска есть, чтобы самогон закусывать.

    Все смеются.

    Королев: Зараза, а ведь он записывает ведь все, мерзавец. Хе-хе.
    Гагарин: “Весна”, я “Кедр”. Даю передачу. Цифровую. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… 10… 11… 12… 13… 14… 15… 16… 17… 18… 19… 20. Как поняли? Прием.
    Королев: Але, але, “Кедр”, я “Заря”. Вас понял отлично. Благодарю за проверку. Не забудьте работать ключом и переключить при разделении тумблер “Заря” на “Сигнал”.
    Гагарин: Вас понял. Конец.


    Королев: Але.
    Гагарин: Да.
    Королев: Юра, счастливо, до встречи в Москве.
    Гагарин: До встречи. Хорошей встречи!


    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас понял, понял вас. Стартовое положение, и при работе на орбите тумблер на “Телеграф” и на “Заря”. При разделении – тумблер на “Сигнал”.
    Королев: Поняли тебя, правильно. Юра. “Кедр”, я “Заря”. Вас понял.


    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Как слышишь? Прием. Еще раз, будь спокоен за все. До встречи в Москве.
    Гагарин: Слышу вас хорошо, как меня? Прием.
    Королев: Слышу тебя отлично. Юра. Ты сейчас занят?
    Гагарин: Да, есть тут работа. Но не очень занят. Что нужно?
    Королев: Нашел продолжение “Ландышей”, понял?

    Гагарин смеется.

    Гагарин: Понял, понял. В камышах?
    Королев: Споем сегодня вечером.


    Королев: Мерзавцы, замучают проверкой связи!

    Неразборчивые реплики. Шум. Пауза 20 секунд.

    Королев: Юра.
    Гагарин: Ага.

    Пауза 20 секунд.

    Гагарин: Олег Генрихович! (О.Г.Ивановский – ведущий конструктор корабля “Восток”).
    Ивановский: Але?
    Гагарин: Востоков ушел?
    Ивановский: Да, а что ты хочешь?
    Гагарин: Чего?
    Ивановский: Что ему передать?
    Гагарин: А?
    Ивановский: Что передать ему?
    Гагарин: Привет!
    Ивановский: Привет?


    Ивановский: Нормально?
    Гагарин: Нормально все.
    Ивановский: Тебе привет.

    Гагарин смеется.

    Неизвестный: Кусочек пластыря оторви, мы забыли приклеить эту штуку.

    Помехи. Голоса. Отдельные реплики. Шумы.

    Неизвестный: Еще одну, и хватит.

    Помехи. Голоса. Шумы.

    Неизвестный: Давай еще одну.
    Неизвестный: Хватит, хватит, не надо, спасибо большое. Спасибо. Все.

    Пауза 6 секунд. Гагарин насвистывает мотив “Родина слышит, Родина знает”.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. У нас все идет отлично. Как чувствуете? Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас понял. У меня тоже все идет хорошо. Самочувствие хорошее. Сейчас буду прикрывать люк номер один. Прием.
    Королев: Понял вас. Прием.

    Пауза около минуты. Затем голоса. Шумы. Невнятная реплика про “механизм открытия люка”. Пауза 10 секунд.

    Королев: Ну все. Ну, счастливо.
    Гагарин: Спасибо.
    Королев: Счастливо, дорогой.
    Гагарин: До свидания.
    Королев: Счастливо. До встречи.
    Гагарин: Сегодня. В Куйбышеве.
    Королев: Прилетай.
    Гагарин: Ладно.

    Гагарин смеется.

    Королев: Спасибо тебе.
    Гагарин: Все. Привет там всем.
    Королев: Тебе передаю привет большой.

    Пауза 15 секунд.

    Королев: Я “Заря-1 “, “Кедр”, я “Заря-1 “. Как слышите? Проверяю связь из бункера. Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас слышу хорошо. Немножко потише говорите. Как поняли? Прием.
    Королев: Я “Заря-1”. Слышу вас хорошо. Понял. Прием.

    Пауза 15 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Вы работали на УКВ по одной или по обоим кнопкам?
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Сейчас работаю кнопкой на пульте. Сейчас работаю кнопкой на ручке управления. Работу с обоих кнопок вы слышите хорошо. Как поняли? Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Понял тебя хорошо. Слышу хорошо по обоим. Нормально. Прием.
    Гагарин: Ландыши, ландыши…

    Гагарин насвистывает “Ландыши”. Пауза 30 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Как слышно? Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Слышно вас хорошо. Прием.
    Королев: Юра, проверьте памятку, удобство пользования памяткой и видимость кодовой таблицы.
    Гагарин: Понял вас правильно. Прием. Проверяю.

    Пауза 45 секунд.

    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Пользование памяткой и возможность считывания сигнала проверил. Все нормально.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Понял вас. Все отлично, молодец.

    Гагарин насвистывает “Ландыши”.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Юра, тебе привет коллективный от всех ребят, кто сейчас здесь. Как понял? Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Понял вас. Большое спасибо. Передайте им всем самый горячий привет от меня.

    Гагарин насвистывает “Ландыши”. Шум усиливается.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Как меня слышите? Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Слышно вас хорошо. Как меня? Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Слышу вас хорошо. Подготовка изделия идет нормально. Все отлично, Юра. Прием.
    Гагарин: Вас понял. Подготовка изделия нормально. У меня также. Самочувствие, настроение нормально. К старту готов.
    Королев: Понял. Прием.


    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Юрий Алексеевич, как слышите меня? Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Слышу вас хорошо. Знаю, с кем разговариваю. Прием.
    Королев: Юрий Алексеевич, я хочу вам напомнить, что я не буду давать слово “секунды”, а просто давать цифры, примерно каждые полсотни: 50, 100, 150 и т.д. Понятно вам. Юра?
    Гагарин: Вас понял. Прием. Так я и думал.
    Королев: Хорошо.

    Пауза 15 секунд.

    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Прошу “Двадцатого” на связь.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1 “. “Двадцатый” на связи.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1 “, я “Кедр”. Прошу при надежной связи на сильном участке сообщить время, позже или раньше, до секунды старта, если таковое будет.
    Королев: Понял вас, понял. Будет ваша просьба выполнена, Юрий Алексеевич.

    Гагарин напевает, а затем насвистывает “Ландыши”. Потом начинает петь “о далеком курносом детстве”.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Юрий Алексеевич, у нас так получилось: после закрытия люка вроде один контактик не показался. Он поджался, поэтому мы, наверное, сейчас будем снимать люк и потом его поставим снова. Как поняли меня?
    Гагарин: Понял вас правильно. Люк открыт. Проверяю сигнализаторы.

    Гагарин насвистывает. Пауза 30 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Объявлена готовность час. Продолжайте осмотр оборудования.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас понял. Объявлена часовая готовность. Все нормально. Самочувствие хорошее, настроение бодрое. К старту готов. Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Понял отлично тебя, Юра. Прием.

    Пауза 30 секунд.

    Королев: Я “Заря-1”. Ты сейчас работаешь на ларинге или ДМШ?
    Гагарин: “Заря-1 “, я “Кедр”. Работаю на ДМ.
    Королев: Понял тебя. Прием.

    Пауза 2 минуты.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Проверяю связь. Как слышите? Я “Заря-1”. Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас слышно хорошо. Как меня? Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Вас слышу отлично. Прием.

    Пауза 25 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Пакет смотрел? До него можешь дотянуться? Посмотри пакет и доложи. Я “Заря-1”. Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Пакет проверил. Дотянуться легко, свободно. Как поняли? Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Вас понял хорошо.

    Пауза 1 минута 30 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Готовность пять минут. Поставьте громкость на полную. Громкость на полную. Я “Заря-1”. Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас понял. Объявлена пятиминутная готовность. Поставить громкость на полную. Полную громкость ввел. Прием.

    Пауза 15 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Все идет нормально. Займите исходное положение для регистрации физиологических функций. Я “Заря-1”. Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас понял. Все идет нормально. Занять исходное положение для регистрации физиологических функций. Положение занял. Прием.
    Королев: Я “Заря-1”, вас понял.

    Пауза 30 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”, “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. У нас все нормально. До начала наших операций, до минутной готовности, – еще пара минут. Как слышите меня? Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я слышу вас хорошо. Вас понял. До начала операции осталась еще парочка минут. Самочувствие хорошее, настроение бодрое, к старту готов. Все нормально. Прием.
    Королев: Понял вас, “Кедр”, понял. Я “Заря-1”. Хорошо.

    Пауза 10 секунд. Гагарин напевает “Летите, голуби, летите”, затем насвистывает этот мотив.

    Пауза 8 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Минутная готовность.

    Пауза 7 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Минутная готовность. Как вы слышите?
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас понял: минутная готовность. Занимал исходное положение, занял, поэтому несколько задержался с ответом. Прием.
    Королев: Понял вас.

    Пауза 12 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Во время запуска можете мне не отвечать. Ответьте, как у вас появится возможность, потому что я вам буду транслировать все подробности.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Вас понял.
    Королев: Ключ на старт.
    Гагарин: Понял.

    Пауза около 30 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”, дается продувка.
    Гагарин: Понял вас.

    Пауза около 10 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Ключ поставлен на дренаж.
    Гагарин: Понял вас. Я “Кедр”.
    Королев: У нас все нормально, дренажные клапана закрылись.
    Гагарин: У меня все нормально. Самочувствие хорошее. Настроение бодрое. К старту готов. Прием.

    Пауза около 40 секунд. Слышно дыхание Гагарина.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Отошла кабель-мачта. Все нормально.
    Гагарин: Понял вас, почувствовал. Прием. Слышу работы клапанов.
    Королев: Понял вас. Хорошо.

    Пауза около 20 секунд.

    Королев: Дается зажигание, “Кедр”, я “Заря-1 “.
    Гагарин: Понял вас, дается зажигание.
    Королев: Предварительная ступень.
    Гагарин: Понял.
    Королев: Промежуточная.
    Гагарин: Понял.
    Королев: Полный подъем.
    Гагарин: Поехали.

    Шум двигателей. Пауза 20 секунд. Помехи и шумы. Голоса сильно искажены.

    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Все проходит нормально. Шум в кабине слабый. Самочувствие хорошее, чувствую перегрузку, вибрация, все нормально.
    Королев: Я “Заря-1”. Мы все желаем вам доброго полета. Все нормально?
    Гагарин: Спасибо. До свидания. До скорой встречи, дорогие друзья. До свидания, до скорой встречи.

    Шум. Пауза 6 секунд.

    Гагарин: Вибрация учащается, шум несколько растет. Самочувствие хорошее, перегрузка растет также.

    Пауза 10 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, время семьдесят.
    Гагарин: Понял вас. Семьдесят. Самочувствие отличное, продолжаю полет, растут перегрузки. Все хорошо.

    Пауза 15 секунд.

    Королев: Жду, “Кедр”. Я “Заря-1”. Как чувствуете? Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Чувствую себя хорошо. Вибрация и перегрузки нормальные. Продолжаем полет, все отлично. Прием.

    Шум усиливается. Пауза 9 секунд.

    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Закончила работу первая ступень. Спали перегрузки и вибрации. Полет продолжается нормально. Прием.

    Шум усиливается.

    Королев: Прошло разделение, все нормально. Как чувствуете себя, прием.
    Гагарин: Слышу вас хорошо. Разделение почувствовал. Работает стандарт три. Все нормально.
    Королев: Понял вас, хорошо.

    Шум усиливается. Пауза 10 секунд.

    Гагарин: “Заря-1”, я “Кедр”. Произошел сброс головного обтекателя. Во “Взор” вижу Землю. Хорошо различима Земля.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Все в порядке. Машина идет хорошо. Прием.
    Гагарин: Понял вас. Вижу реки, складки местности, различимы хорошо, видимость хорошая. Отлично у вас там все видно. Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Все нормально.
    Гагарин: Понял вас. Докладываю: вижу Землю, видимость отличная. Хорошая видимость. Прием.

    Пауза 10 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря”. Как самочувствие? Я “Заря”. Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря”, я “Кедр”. Самочувствие отличное. Продолжаю полет. Несколько растет перегрузка. Вибрации. Все переношу нормально. Самочувствие отличное. Настроение бодрое. В иллюминатор “Взор” наблюдаю Землю. Различаю складки местности, лес. Самочувствие отличное. Как у вас дела? Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, “Кедр”, я “Заря”. Молодец, отлично все идет, хорошо! Я “Заря”, прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря”, я “Кедр”. Наблюдаю облака над землей, мелкие, кучевые. И тени от них. Красиво, красота. Как слышите, прием?
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря”, “Кедр”, я “Заря”. Слышим вас отлично. Продолжайте полет.
    Гагарин: Полет продолжается хорошо. Перегрузки растут медленно, незначительно. Все переносится хорошо. Вибрации небольшие. Самочувствие отличное. В иллюминатор “Взор” наблюдаю: Земля все больше закрывается облаками.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря”. Все идет нормально. Вас поняли. Слышим отлично. Я “Заря”, прием.

    Резкий шум. Затем шум стихает.

    Гагарин: “Заря”, я “Кедр”. Произошло выключение второй ступени. Прием.

    Пауза 10 секунд.

    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря-1”. Работает то, что нужно. Последний этап. Все нормально. Прием.
    Гагарин: Вас понял. Слышу включение. Чувствую работу. Самочувствие отличное. Наблюдаю Землю. Видимость хорошая. Прием.
    Королев: Понял вас.

    Пауза 10 секунд.

    Гагарин: Полет продолжается хорошо. Работает третья ступень. Работает цвет (свет?) телевидения. Самочувствие отличное. Настроение бодрое. Все проходит хорошо. Вижу Землю. Вижу горизонт во “Взоре”. Горизонт несколько сдвинут к ногам.
    Королев: “Кедр”, “Кедр”, я “Заря”. “Кедр”, я “Заря”. Все идет хорошо. Как слышите, как самочувствие? Я “Заря”. Прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря”, я “Кедр”. Слышу вас отлично. Самочувствие отличное. Полет продолжается хорошо. Во “Взор” наблюдаю Землю. Видимость хорошая. Различить, видеть можно все. Некоторое пространство покрыто кучевой облачностью. Полет продолжаем, все нормально. Прием.
    Королев: “Кедр”, я “Заря”, “Кедр”, я “Заря”. Вас понял. Молодец, связь отлично держите. Продолжайте в том же духе. Я “Заря”. Прием.
    Гагарин: Понял вас. Все работает отлично, все отлично работает. Идем дальше.

    Пауза около 20 секунд.

    Гагарин: Вот сейчас Земля покрывается все больше облачностью. Кучевая облачность. Покрывается слоисто-дождевой облачностью. Такая пленка на Земле. Уже земной поверхности практически становится не видно. Интересно, да, вот сейчас открыто: складки гор, леса. (Пауза.) “Заря-1”, “Заря-1”, вас слышу очень слабо. Самочувствие хорошее. Настроение бодрое, продолжаю полет. Все идет хорошо. Машина работает нормально. Прием. (Дальнейшая запись на бортовом магнитофоне космонавтом частично стерта.)…320 атмосфер. Самочувствие хорошее, настроение бодрое. Продолжаю полет. Чувствую. Не чувствую, наблюдаю некоторое вращение корабля вокруг осей. Сейчас Земля ушла из иллюминатора “Взор”. Самочувствие отличное. Чувство невесомости благоприятно влияет, никаких таких не вызывает явлений. Как поняли меня, прием? (Пауза.) А сейчас через иллюминатор “Взор” проходит Солнце. Немножко резковат его свет. Вот Солнце уходит из зеркал. (Пауза.) Небо, небо черное, черное небо, но звезд на небе не видно. Может, мешает освещение. Переключаю освещение на рабочее. Мешает свет телевидения. Через него не видно ничего. (Пауза.) “Заря”, я “Кедр”, “Заря”, я “Кедр”. (Пауза.) “Весна”, я “Кедр”, “Весна”, я “Кедр”. На связь. Как слышите? Прием.

    Пауза около 10 секунд.

    Гагарин: “Весна”, я “Кедр”. Произошло разделение с носителем в 9 часов 18 минут 7 секунд, согласно задания. Самочувствие хорошее, включился спуск-1. Магнитный индекс БКРФ движется к второму положению. Все пуски БКРФ горят. Самочувствие хорошее, настроение бодрое. Параметры кабины: давление единица, влажность 65, температура 20, давление в отсеке единица. В ручной системе – 155, в первой автоматической- 155, вторая автоматическая- 157. Чувство невесомости переносится хорошо, приятно. Продолжаю полет на орбите. Как поняли, прием.

    Пауза 30 секунд. Шум усиливается. Слышно что-то вроде морзянки.

    Гагарин: Бортотсек (?) продолжает вращаться. Вращение отсека можно определить по земной поверхности. Земная поверхность “Взора” уходит влево. Отсек несколько вращается вправо. Хорошо, красота, самочувствие хорошее. Продолжаю полет. Все отлично проходит. Все проходит отлично. Что там по “Заре”, связи нет! Что по “Весне”? Тоже связи нет.

    Сильный шум. Пауза 6 секунд.

    Гагарин: “Весна”, “Весна”, я “Кедр”, как слышите меня, прием. Весна, я “Кедр”. Вас не слышу. Как меня слышите, прием.

    Шум. Пауза 5 секунд.

    Гагарин: Чувство невесомости интересно. Все плавает. (Радостно.) Плавает все! Красота. Интересно.

    Пауза 45 секунд.

    Гагарин: “Заря-3”, “Заря-3” на связь. Как слышите меня, прием. “Заря-3” на связь. Как меня слышите, прием.

    Пауза 5 секунд.

    “Заря-3”: “Кедр”, я “Заря-3”, “Кедр”, я “Заря-3”.
    Гагарин: “Заря-3”, я “Кедр”. Как меня слышите? Прием. “Весну” не слышу. Не слышу “Весну”. Самочувствие хорошее, настроение бодрое. Все нормально, полет продолжаю. Невесомость проходит хорошо. В общем, весь полет идет хорошо. Что можете мне сообщить? Прием.
    “Заря-3”: “Кедр”, я “Заря”, слышу вас хорошо.
    Гагарин: “Заря-3”, я “Кедр”. (Говорит очень тщательно, почти по слогам.) Полет проходит успешно. Чувство невесомости нормальное. Самочувствие хорошее. Все приборы, все системы работают хорошо. Что можете сообщить мне? Вас слышу отлично.
    “Заря-3”: “Кедр”, я “Заря-3”. Слышим вас хорошо, приборы работают нормально. Самочувствие нормальное. Что можете мне сообщить по полету? Что сообщить мне можете? Прием. (Сильный шум.) “Кедр”, я “Заря-3”. Указание от двадцатого не поступает, не поступает. Все нормально.
    Гагарин: Понял вас. От двадцатого указание не поступает. Сообщите ваши данные о полете. Привет блондину!

    Пауза 35 секунд.

    Гагарин: Открыл светофильтр “Взор”. Вижу горизонт, горизонт Земли выплывает. Но звезд на небе не видно. Земная поверхность, земную поверхность видно в иллюминатор. Небо черное, и по краю Земли, по краю горизонта такой красивый голубой ореол, который темнее по удалению от Земли.
    “Заря-3”: “Кедр”, я “Заря-3”, “Кедр”, я “Заря-3”. Как слышите меня, прием.
    Гагарин: “Заря-3”, я “Кедр”. Вас слышу хорошо. Как меня? Прием. Объект освещается.

    Сильные помехи.

    Гагарин: “Весна”, я “Кедр”, 10 часов 4 минуты. Передаю очередное отчетное сообщение. Нахожусь в апогее. Работает Спуск-1, работает солнечная ориентация. Давление в кабине единица, влажность 65%, температура 20 градусов. Давление в отсеке один и две десятых. В ручной ориентации – 155. Первая автоматическая -150. Вторая автоматическая – 155. Самочувствие хорошее, настроение бодрое. Полет проходит успешно. Как поняли меня, прием.

    Пауза около 10 секунд. Слышно что-то вроде морзянки.

    Гагарин: Внимание, вижу горизонт Земли. Очень такой красивый ореол. Сначала радуга от самой поверхности Земли, и вниз такая радуга переходит. Очень красивое, уже ушло через правый иллюминатор. Видно звезды через “Взор”, как проходят звезды. Очень красивое зрелище. Продолжается полет в тени Земли. В правый иллюминатор сейчас наблюдаю звездочку, она так проходит слева направо. Ушла звездочка, уходит, уходит… Внимание, внимание. 10 часов 9 минут 15 секунд. Вышел из тени Земли. Через правый иллюминатор и “Взор” видно: сейчас появилось Солнце. Объект вращается. Очевидно, работает солнечный системный иллюминатор. Вот сейчас в систему “Взор” наблюдаю Землю, наблюдаю Землю, пролетаю над морем. Направление движения над морем определить вполне можно. Сейчас я примерно движусь правым боком, некоторой облачностью закрыто. Направление над морем определить можно (одно слово неразборчиво). “Весна”, я “Кедр”, “Весна”, я “Кедр”. 10 часов 18 минут. Прошла вторая команда. Давление в системе ориентации 120 атмосфер. Давление в баллоне ТДУ 320 атмосфер. Самочувствие хорошее. Полет проходит успешно. Как поняли, прием. Все системы работают хорошо. (Сильные помехи.) “Весна”, я “Кедр”, “Весна”, я “Кедр”. Полет проходит успешно. Самочувствие отличное. Все системы работают хорошо. 10 часов 23 минуты. Давление в корабле единица. Влажность 65. Температура 20. Давление в отсеке 1, 2. В ручной системе -150. В автоматической- 110, во второй автоматической – 115. В баллоне ТДУ 320 атмосфер. Самочувствие хорошее, продолжаю полет. Как поняли, прием.

  19. A minha pergunta é então: o que ele disse e onde?

    O que ele disse em órbita afinal?
    Só disse essa frase (“Eu consigo ver o horizonte. Tem uma espécio de halo, um arco-íris…”) em quase 2 horas? 😉

    E o que ele disse no comunicado para a imprensa sobre o que viu e sentiu?

  20. No texto referes “Foi o primeiro humano a ver a Terra a partir do espaço, e nessa altura disse: “A Terra é azul. (…) Que maravilhoso. É espectacular!”” É implícito que essas palavras teriam sido ditas por Gagarin quando em órbita. Tal não é verdade.

    No artigo que citas é referido “”On the 12th of April, 1961, the Soviet spaceship-sputnik was put in orbit around the Earth with me on board” “…there was a good view of the Earth which had a very distinct and pretty blue halo. It had a smooth transition from pale blue, blue, dark blue, violet and absolutely black. It was a magnificent picture.” [Gagarin in his official statement after the flight, April 15, 1961.]” Ele não diz que a Terra é azul e o ‘blue halo’ refere-se à atmosfera, não ao planeta (“A Terra é azul”). Esta descrição neste artigo não está correcta em relação às frases que ele disse em órbita (nem confio muito num artigo que chama Sputnik à cápsula de Gagarin).

    A descrição que ele fez em órbita foi: “Eu consigo ver o horizonte. Tem uma espécio de halo, um arco-íris…”

  21. Mas não foi dito por ele para a imprensa?

  22. Pois, então a BBC, a Time e os outros estão errados. Basta ler o diálogo entre Gagarin e o Centro de Controlo e lá não se encontra uma única vez a palavra ‘голубо’, isto é ‘azul’ ou mesmo a frase ‘Земля голуба’, isto é ‘A Terra é azul’. Simplesmente, são repetidos erros que se vêm propagando no tempo desde a missão de Gagarin e que foram intriduzidos na altura para dar um toque mais humano às descrições do primeiro cosmonauta.

    A mesma questão já me havia sido levantada por um leitor do Em Órbita no Brasil onde as jornais diziam o mesmo.

    Esse debate, e outros sobre mitos urbanos relacionados com a missão e a vida de Gagarin, são debatidos por entusiastas espaciais em diferentes listas na Internet.

  23. BBC, Time, e outros sites, dizem que sim:

    Eu não estive lá…. por isso não posso afirmar com certeza.

    Afinal qual é esse debate? 😉

  24. Carlos, Gagarin nunca disse “A Terra é azul. (…) Que maravilhoso. É espectacular!” Curiosamente, este é um dos pequenos debates neste dia.

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