4th Winner – International Earth and Sky Photo Contest

Caros Leitores, venho desta forma partilhar com todos vós ecom grande alegria oresultado doconcurso “International Earth and Sky Photo Contest on Dark Skies Importance”, organizado ainda durante o IYA2009, pelo TWAN – The World at Night e Dark Skies Awareness.

Fui o 4º Vencedor na categoria “Beauty of Night Sky”.

“The contest was open to anyone of any age, anywhere around the world. About 200 entries received from over 30 countries including Algeria, Armenia, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Croatia, France, Greece, Iceland, Indonesia, India, Iran, Italy, Macedonia, Nepal, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and USA. Nearly 30% of the entries were from United States. Other major contributors were Romania, Iran, and Poland.”

Nos seguintes links podem ler tudo e verem quem eram os juris de peso e as imagens vencedores…etc.

Winner Announcement of the International Earth and Sky Photo Contest:

TWAN: The World at Night:
Dark Skies Awareness:
Internacional Year of Astronomy 2009:

A imagem foi esta:

Uma outra imagem das que submeti foi também distinguida as “Notable” pelo Juri:

As outras imagens distinguidas:

Na minha página todo o resumo:

Miguel Claro

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