Revista de Fim do Mundo

Na revista “Sky and Telescope” de Novembro, vem um longo artigo sobre o tema de 2012.
sky and telescope

“To make a long story short, December 21, 2012, really is a big flip-the-page date in the ancient Mayans’ calendar. But there’s no evidence that they believed the world would end then, and a fair amount of evidence to the contrary. Not that it would matter if they did. As for the planetary and galactic lineups that latter-day doom-mongers have tried to associate with that date, they’re flat-out wrong.”
“The ancient Mayan Calendar – the end of their religious calendar cycle 13 – did not mean end of the world, even to the Mayan!”
“Most of what’s claimed for 2012 relies on wishful thinking, wild pseudoscientific folly, ignorance of astronomy, and a level of paranoia worthy of Night of the Living Dead.”

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