A idiotice dos Extraterrestres Antigos


Já expliquei a parvoíce do programa Extraterrestres Antigos, do chamado Canal História, aqui, aqui e aqui.

Leia agora este excelente artigo no Museu Smithsonian, intitulado: Idiotice, Invenções e Mentiras do programa Extraterrestres Antigos.


O mais interessante no artigo são as ligações entre os mentores do programa e as seitas religiosas extremistas.
Basicamente, o programa é religioso. O programa vende o Criacionismo. E as pessoas são enganadas a pensar que o programa fala de extraterrestres… quando é só uma máscara para vigarizar as pessoas.

Algumas ideias do artigo escrito por Brian Switek:

“(…) The episode is what you would get if you dropped some creationist propaganda, Erich von Däniken’s Chariots of the Gods and stock footage from Jurassic Fight Club into a blender. What results is a slimy and incomprehensible mixture of idle speculation and outright fabrications which pit the enthusiastic “ancient alien theorists,” as the narrator generously calls them, against “mainstream science.” I would say “You can’t make this stuff up,” but I have a feeling that that is exactly what most of the show’s personalities were doing.

There was so much wrong with the Ancient Aliens episode that I could spend all week trying to counteract every incorrect assertion. This is a common technique among cranks and self-appointed challengers of science; it is called Gish Gallop after young earth creationist Duane Gish. When giving public presentations about evolution and creationism, Gish rapidly spouted off a series of misinterpretations and falsehoods to bury his opponent under an avalanche of fictions and distortions. If Gish’s opponent tried to dig themselves out, they would never be able to make enough progress to free themselves to take on Gish directly. Ancient Aliens uses the same tactic—the fictions come fast and furious.

While the main point of the episode is that aliens exterminated dinosaurs to make way for our species — a sci-fi scenario accompanied by some hilarious, mashed-together footage of dinosaurs fleeing from strafing alien craft, perhaps a preview of Dinosaurs vs. Aliens the movie — the various ancient alien experts do little more than assert that such an event must have happened. Surprise, surprise, they provide no actual evidence for their claims. Instead, they borrow evidence for fundamentalist Christians, who are never actually identified as such. Creationist Michael Cremo is identified only as the author of Forbidden Archeology, and Willie E. Dye is credited as a biblical archaeologist without any mention of his young earth creationist views. (…)

And the creationists didn’t disappoint. About halfway through the program, Cremo says, “Some researchers found human footprints alongside the footprints of dinosaurs.” The quote is a line out of context from Cremo’s interview, but is played in a section claiming that American Museum of Natural History paleontologist Roland T. Bird found human footprints associated with dinosaur trackways in the vicinity of Glen Rose, Texas.

Bird didn’t find any such thing. He found many dinosaur footprints and trackways — one of which he and his crew partially excavated and anachronistically placed behind the AMNH’s “Brontosaurus“ — but no human tracks.
But some creationists, blinded by dogma, have put their faith behind fakes and even dinosaur tracks that they have misinterpreted as being human footprints. (…)

Dye takes up the standard creationist line that humans and dinosaurs coexisted and reappears a little later in the episode to throw his support to a different icon of creationist nonsense—the Ica stones from Peru. These famous fakes are stones engraved with images of dinosaurs and humans interacting. They were created by farmer Basilio Uschuya and his wife, using pop culture depictions of dinosaurs in books as their guides. Despite this, both Dye and the Ancient Aliens program present the stones as if they were authentic ancient artifacts that record the survival of dinosaurs such as Triceratops to almost the present day.


There were a few real scientists on the program. Paleontologists Luis Chiappe and Mark Wilson, for example, make appearances throughout the show. I can’t help but feel bad for them, and wonder whether scientists should simply boycott appearing on such programs. While I think it’s worthwhile and essential to call out false claims made in the name of science — such as intelligent design and myths of living dinosaurs — programs like Ancient Aliens only abuse scientists. Responsible researchers are typically taken out of context to help set up unsupported fictions spewed by the alien fan club. Shows like Ancient Aliens, MonsterQuest and Finding Bigfoot apparently have little or no interest in actually talking about science. The most sensationalist speculation will always triumph. On these shows, scientists just can’t win.

Ancient Aliens is some of the most noxious sludge in television’s bottomless chum bucket. Actual experts are brought in to deliver sound bites that are twisted and taken out of context while fanatics are given free reign. Fiction is presented as fact, and real scientific research is so grossly misrepresented that I can only conclude that the program is actively lying to viewers. (…)
Ancient Aliens is worse than bad television. The program shows a sheer contempt for science and what we really know about nature. (…)”

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    • António Vieira on 14/07/2016 at 08:23
    • Responder


    Uma das coisas que eu acho mais hilariantes nesta pseudociência é dizer que as chamadas linhas de Nazca eram pistas de aterragem para naves extraterrestres.
    Uma civilização extraterrestre que tivesse a capacidade tecnológica para fazer viagens no espaço, não precisaria certamente de construir pistas de aterragem (algo que ainda é muito século 20). 🙂

    No dia 20 de Julho de 1969, o Módulo Lunar Eagle da missão Apollo 11 pisou a lua, não tendo sido necessário a construção prévia de uma pista de alunagem por parte dos “nativos locais”. 🙂

    Que falta de imaginação 🙂

  1. Não vejo mais o ‘canal História’, eles entraram por um caminho pseudo, aparentemente sem volta.

    Tenho saudade dos bons tempos quando criaram a série “O Universo”…

  2. Já falei tanto sobre o alien/astronauta/extraterrestre histórico ou do passado no meu blog que os reaças e fãs de Daniken chegam lá pra me atacar e dizer que eu merecia era ser abduzida ou ter uma ‘sondagem anal’ já que sou uma ‘descrente’.

    Não é descrença, é ser coerente e ver o quanto a História e a Arqueologia são jogadas no lixo pelo programa e pelos crentes de Daniken. Além do racismo para com povos que não são brancos nem caucasianos, pois a maioria das ‘obras’ analisadas por eles são de egípcios, astecas, maias, incas, etc.. Falar em um Coliseu construído por aliens é um absurdo pra muita gente, mas em Pirâmides de Gizé, está ok?

    E o pior é ver gente falando para historiadores, antropólogos, arqueólogos, até paleontólogos para que a gente tenha a ‘mente aberta’ e que pare de seguir tanto a ciência, pois ‘as provas’ estão todas aqui. MAS QUE PROVAS???

  3. off topic:
    Desculpa o off topic, mas acabei de ver este filme (gostei), que parte de um pressuposto tipo Ancient Alien, mas que até tem uma estória engraçada, com o ‘schrodinger cat’ !!! Aconselho…!!!


    1. Qual é o filme? 😉

        • abidos on 24/10/2014 at 23:56

        Fiquei com as ideias trocadas com o Filme, imagina lá a qualidade do mesmo!!!!!!

        Coherence (2013)

        Juro, que não bebi nada!!!


      1. Estive a ler na wikipedia 🙂

        Parece ser bastante interessante! 😉

        Obrigado! 🙂

    • vergilio bueno on 24/10/2014 at 21:14
    • Responder

    Leio o astropt todos os dias, mas não tenho a uma fração do conhecimento de vcs. Então gostaria de pedir q se pudessem colocar textos em português, eu agradeço. pois uso o celular para ver p site, e esse não tem tradutor. Desde já obrigado por toda informação q vcs passam diariamente a todos os leigos, abraços

  4. Incomoda à mim, como historiador, que o nome da disciplina História acabe por ser associada à tamanha bobagem. Não vêem quanto trabalho duro, sério, dos profissionas da História que se dedicam a construir uma reputação sobre bases sólidas do conhecimento e pesquisa, acabe por ser confundido com essas asneiras.

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