Dia Internacional do Jazz

Hoje, dia 30 de Abril, é o dia Internacional do Jazz.  Por isso, deixo-vos aqui All that Jazz in the brain….

Primeiro, deixo-vos aqui este vídeo onde nos mostra que através de uma aplicação para Iphone, podemos ver a ciência por trás: as frequências, os harmónicos e a acústica por trás da música.

Depois, vejam uma imagem do nosso cérebro quando está a ouvir Jazz.

Fig. 1  Visualization of neuroimaging results. (A) Axial slice renderings of activations and deactivations associated with improvisation during Scale (top) and Jazz (bottom) paradigms. In both paradigms, improvisation was associated with bilateral activations in language and sensorimotor areas and lateral prefrontal cortex and bilateral deactivations in angular gyrus. Activations were identified through inclusive masking of the contrast for [ Improv > Control ] with the contrast for [ Improv > Rest ], and deactivations were identified through inclusive masking of the contrast for [ Control > Improv ] with the contrast for [ Rest > Improv ]. Sagittal sections show axial slice location. Labels refer to axial slice z-plane in MNI space. (B) 3D surface projection of activations and deactivations associated with improvisation as determined by a conjunction analysis across paradigms. Bar graphs indicate percent signal change at cluster maxima (with y-axis scaled from -1 to 1) for Scale – Control (blue), Scale – Improv (yellow), Jazz – Control (green), and Jazz – Improv (red). Scale bars indicate t-score values for both A and B. (C) Selected results from functional connectivity analysis. Red arrows indicate correlated activity, blue arrows indicate anti-correlated activity. 1 = IFG pTri, 2 = IFG pOp, 3 = STG, 4 = AG. Retirado daqui.

Fig. 1 Visualization of neuroimaging results.
(A) Axial slice renderings of activations and deactivations associated with improvisation during Scale (top) and Jazz (bottom) paradigms. In both paradigms, improvisation was associated with bilateral activations in language and sensorimotor areas and lateral prefrontal cortex and bilateral deactivations in angular gyrus. Activations were identified through inclusive masking of the contrast for [ Improv > Control ] with the contrast for [ Improv > Rest ], and deactivations were identified through inclusive masking of the contrast for [ Control > Improv ] with the contrast for [ Rest > Improv ]. Sagittal sections show axial slice location. Labels refer to axial slice z-plane in MNI space. (B) 3D surface projection of activations and deactivations associated with improvisation as determined by a conjunction analysis across paradigms. Bar graphs indicate percent signal change at cluster maxima (with y-axis scaled from -1 to 1) for Scale – Control (blue), Scale – Improv (yellow), Jazz – Control (green), and Jazz – Improv (red). Scale bars indicate t-score values for both A and B. (C) Selected results from functional connectivity analysis. Red arrows indicate correlated activity, blue arrows indicate anti-correlated activity. 1 = IFG pTri, 2 = IFG pOp, 3 = STG, 4 = AG. Retirado daqui.

Este trabalho foi realizado por Charles Limb e colegas que mostraram que,  quando os músicos improvisavam, as áreas do cérebro ligadas à linguagem e à sintaxe eram activadas (Fig. 1).

Por fim deixo-vos a entrevista a Charles Limb (que para além de Investigador é também músico).


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