NASA não quer saber da Terra?

NASA não quer saber da Terra!!??

Em 2006, a NASA apagou dos seus objectivos principais “compreender e proteger o nosso planeta Terra”.
O objectivo é claro: concentrar-se esforços “lá fora” (Lua e Marte) e esquecer-se o que se passa cá dentro (por exemplo, menos investigação sobre alterações climáticas).
Esses objectivos ficaram ainda mais claros com a entrevista dada pelo Administrador (director) da NASA, Michael Griffin. Ele afirmou que as alterações climáticas não eram problema.

Isto levou, como é óbvio, a um levantamento dos cientistas da NASA, sobretudo daqueles que trabalham no estudo da Terra.
Podem assinar uma petição para a defesa da Terra ser novamente um dos objectivos da NASA!

Vejam o divertido vídeo do Colbert sobre o assunto:

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word – Mission Control
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Meryl Streep

1 comentário

    • Dinis Ribeiro on 27/01/2015 at 18:49
    • Responder

    Sugestão para um livro quer surgiu 3 anos mais tarde, em 2009:

    Mission: Planet Earth: Our World and Its Climate–and How Humans Are Changing Them

    From an American hero and dedicated scientist: A compelling introduction to the changes taking place in Earth’s climate, written for the audience that matters most to our planet’s future.

    Beginning with Sally Ride’s unique, astronaut’s-eye view of Earth’s fragile atmosphere, Mission: Planet Earth describes how water, air, and other climate systems shape our world, and how a disruption in one part of the system can spread through the entire planet.

    Drawing on the latest scientific research and presenting a clear, even-handed account of the current state of climate studies, illustrated with helpful diagrams and stunning photographs of and from the front lines of climate change, here is a celebration of Earth’s natural complexity–and a call to action for a new generation.

    Comentários no site da Amazon:

    Houve quem gostasse:

    I read this book with my daughter (age 8) and we both loved it! It explains the science behind global warming in a way that is easy to understand. The diagrams and photos were especially helpful for my daughter to visualize the impact humans can have on the environment. We liked it so much that we also read the companion guide (Mission Save the Planet) which offers tips and ideas for ways we can conserve resources at home without too much effort.

    Houve também quem tivesse fortes críticas:

    This book provides a look at how the public education system can be used to promote a political agenda.

    Under the guise of a children’s science book, the theory of global warming is presented as a foregone conclusion; “The world is becoming warmer and people caused it” with a few sketchy facts and some junk science to back it up.

    A scary message; “We don’t have much time!” is thrown in to make sure the target audience sits up and pays attention. And the target audience is not professional climatologists, college or even high school students, but middle school kids.

    A follow up book then provides a course of action for the newly enlightened students to follow.

    Education or indoctrination? Fascinating.


    Qual a vossa opinião, será que se trata de “indoctrination” ?

    ( / )…

    Voltando ao livro: Mission: Planet Earth: Our World and Its Climate–and How Humans Are Changing Them

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