Casual Friday – Qual o elemento mais bem informado?

Qual o elemento mais bem informado?

O Frâncio que fica mesmo ao lado do Rádio.


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    • Dinis Ribeiro on 10/04/2016 at 10:21
    • Responder

    A personagem francófona Tintin é alguém que talvez seja um bom símbolo de “um elemento bem informado”…. 😉

    Por associação de ideias, sugiro este link:

    Tintin is also a radio-operator. He’s meant to be a journalist, but he only ever files one article. What he does repeatedly throughout the books, is tune in to these mysterious wireless messages, hunt them down and decode them.

    And also, Tintin is neutral; he’s blank : whereas all the other characters are colourful and full of personality, Tintin is this Candide-type, neutral, passive character who, like a prism, defracts his whole era.

    Estive a dar uma breve vista de olhos online, e também a meditar um pouco e partilho algumas curiosidades:

    Gosto da imagem associada a esta ideia: “defracts his whole era”

    dif•frac•tion (dɪˈfræk ʃən)
    a modulation of waves in response to an obstacle, as an object, slit, or grating, in the path of propagation, giving rise in light waves to a banded pattern or to a spectrum.

    [1665–75; < New Latin diffrāctiō, derivative of Latin diffringere to break up] /

    e também gosto da palavra "Spectrum"

    Spectrum, the worldwide security organisation in the 1960s TV series Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons

    Social and medical sciences:

    Antibiotic classification
    Economic spectrum, disparities between social classes
    Political spectrum of opinion
    Spectrum disorder, in psychiatry /

    Tintin chez le psychanalyste, Paris, Aubier, 1985.
    Hergé, 1987, Seghers.
    Psychanalyse de la bande dessinée, 1987, PUF, (réédition Champs-Flammarion 2000).
    La Bande dessinée au pied du mot, 1990, Aubier.
    Tintin et les Secrets de famille, 1990, Séguier, (rééd. Aubier 1992).
    La Honte, psychanalyse d’un lien social, 1992, Dunod(réédition 2007).
    Tintin et le Secret d'Hergé, 1993, Presses de la Cité.

    Quanto ao elemento Francium:

    Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey in France (from which the element takes its name) in 1939.

    It was the last element first discovered in nature, rather than by synthesis…

    Marguerite Catherine Perey (19 October 1909 – 13 May 1975) was a French physicist and a student of Marie Curie. In 1939, Perey discovered the element francium by purifying samples of lanthanum that contained actinium.

    In 1962, she was the first woman to be elected to the French Académie des Sciences, an honor denied to her mentor Curie.

    1. Muito obrigado pelos seus comentários. Realmente podemos contar diversas histórias a partir de alguma casualidade.

      Sobre o Tintim, sugiro ainda este artigo

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